Bulk Upload Resources
Bulk Upload related resources. includes: bulk upload of resource data using bulk/{resource_name} , and bulk/jobinfo to get bulk upload Async Job status information.
Bulk Upload
Starts a new async bulk upload job that upserts (updates/inserts) multiple {resource_name} data as a list of headers and lines. This async request returns a Job ID and URI to query the job’s status. ExternalID is required in case of insert and either InternalID or ExternalID are required in case of update.
Starts a new async bulk upload job that upserts (updates/inserts) multiple {resource_name} data as a zip file that contains a single csv file. This async request returns a Job ID and URI to query the job’s status. ExternalID is required in case of insert and either InternalID or ExternalID are required in case of update.
Bulk Upload Job Info
Retrieves bulk upload status information.