
Private applications

Private applications are Apps developed internally or on bahalf of one or few particular Pepperi Accounts.

These applications authenticate with Pepperi through basic HTTP authentication and Developer API Key.

Steps to get your Developer API Key and your company’s API Token:

  1. Make your first API Request to get a Pepperi company API Access Token , using company/apitoken.
  2. Provide Pepperi Admin User name and Password.
  3. Get back a Pepepri company “APIToken” and “BaseURI” – The API Token along with the Base URI must be saved by you for the use of all API future requests. (Base URI in most cases is api.pepperi.com but it could be different for customers residing on specific Pepperi cloud server)
  4. Start making API requests using user name “TokenAuth” and your API Token as password.

Public applications

Public applications Apps interact with the Pepperi API on behalf of multiple Pepperi accounts, as long as the application has been granted explicit permission by the Pepperi Admin user manually granting the App access permission.
Public applications must authenticate to Pepperi through the  OAuth 2.0 security standard.
See the OAuth 2.0 documentation for more details