
Response Codes

When Pepperi receives a request to an API endpoint, a number of different HTTP status codes can be returned in the response depending on the original request.


200 OK
The request was successfully processed by Pepperi (in case of Upsert – indicates data updated sucessfully)
201 Created
The request has been fulfilled and a new resource has been created. (in case of Upsert – indicates data created sucessfully)
400 Bad Request

The request was not understood by the server, generally due to bad syntax.

This status is also returned when the request provides an invalid code parameter during the OAuth token exchange process.

401 Unauthorized
The necessary authentication credentials are not present in the request or are incorrect.
404 Not Found
The requested resource was not found.
429 Too Many Requests
The request was not accepted because the application has exceeded the rate limit. See the API Rate Limit documentation for a breakdown of Pepperi’s rate-limiting mechanism.
500 Internal Server Error
An internal error occurred in Pepperi. Please contact our API support team : api@support.pepperi.com so that our support team could investigate it.
501 Not Implemented
The requested endpoint is not available on that particular resource, e.g: currently we do not support POST for the users resource.
504 Gateway Timeout
The request could not complete in time. Try breaking it down with our support team.

Data Types


An integer number, (from -2147483648 to 2147483648) 


A decimal number . (±5.0 × 10−324 to ±1.7 × 10308) .  please note : Pepperi rounds the value to 4 digits after the decimal point.


A string of text. length varies per object and field.


A boolean value: true or false. In JSON, it will be represented using the native boolean type. .

date and datetime

An ISO 8601 date or datetime value.  All dates output by Pepepri API responses are in GMT time.  date inputs also requires GMT format(Z). (e.g: DateTime : 2017-04-03T03:58:32Z,  Date : 2017-04-03Z)

country code

A two-character, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.

currency code

A three-character, ISO -4217 currency code.

email address

A valid email address.


A string representing a URI reference to another resource within the current version of the API.

Media – images and attachments

Images and attachments in the API supports the following object fields:

  • ​URL –  URL full path of the media
    • ​​GET – always returns it
    • ​POST – uses the URL to upload the media to Pepperi (once uploaded GET will return the location on Pepperi servers)
  • Content – used for POST only. Base64 encoded byte array of the media.
  • MimeType – media type.
  • FileName – media file name.

Rate Limits

Requests to the Pepperi API have the following rules:
Maximum 250 records could be retutned in each GET request.
POST – Bulk upload:
A maximum of 100,000 records is allowed per each bulk Upload API call.
In case you need to upload a larger set of data you will need to seperate it to few requests . make sure the overwrite query parameter is set to none (the default)
Maximum requests:
Pepperi limits the number of API calls an app can make to our APIs to:
  • 60 calls per 1 minute.
  • 1 call per 1 second.
  • Total of 5,000 calls per day.
These limits help to manage load on our servers, ensuring that high API request volumes don’t impact on overall Pepperi servers performance.
They also help to protect Pepperi accounts from deliberate or accidental denial of service as a result of the API being flooded with requests.